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Usage demo

Goals of fl-form



    var flFormConfig = {
      load: '/path/to/myForm.html', // Will be fetched when element is created
      onLoad: function (xdiv) {}, // Called when it is loaded for the first time
      onResponse: function (text, statusCode, xdiv) {}, // Called whenever a response from a submit event arrives
      credentials: false, //If set to true, credentials (cookies) are sent with fetch request

Run npm start to see the demo in action.

The data-config attribute is optional.


### Dev with livereload npm start dev

Demo with livereload

npm start demo

## Installation


bower install fl-form --save

npm npm install fl-form --save Download

Just copy the src/fl-form.js file, and get this one as a dependency. Done.

The dependency is a Web Component, so check the browser support if you are taking it to production. You may need to use a polyfill.